Calgary Vocal Festival 2024
The Calgary Vocal Festival 2024 will be held April 22-26, 2024 at the University of Calgary Rosza Center. The festival will include classical, musical theatre and contemporary genres. Classes will include beginner through advanced levels, following the categories outlined in the Alberta Music Festival Association.
We believe singers need to be offered performing opportunities in a respectful, encouraging environment that addresses the strengths and needs of each singer. Adjudicators will give both written and verbal feedback at the conclusion of each class as well as recommendation for those invited to go on to the provincial festival held in the spring.
More information can be found at www.calgaryvocalfestival.ca

You can help us with CVF 2024 in two ways:
1. We need your help to spread the word in the musical community about this new festival. It is open to any and all singers in Calgary and the surrounding cities and towns.
2. DONATE - We would like to provide scholarships to outstanding singers including those chosen to go forward and compete at the provincial level.
Donations will also be used to help defray the cost of entry fees for students facing financial barriers.
All donations will receive a tax-deductible receipt.